The Objective: The client developed a new product and enlisted Diamond’s expertise. We assisted with printing the primary packaging labels, designing and producing a folding carton display/box to hold the product, fulfillment of product into primary and secondary packaging, and provided master cartons for shipment to various distribution centers. The Target: The target audience was distribution into physical stores that
The Objective: The client was looking for a way to create a more efficient method to distribute single serve products in convenience stores. The objective was to find a solution that would allow the salesperson to assemble a pre-packed display in as little time as possible. A freestanding display would allow greater distribution of products traditionally found on the front
The Objective: The client wanted to give the consumer a unique way to display their seed product during the hunting season They wanted to increase sales, placement location, and give an incentive to the retailer for allowing the display to be placed in their store. The Assignment: The customer wanted to use a dump bin style display to hold their
The Objective: The objective was to provide a counter top display that could hold a variety of products that would appeal to different customers needs. The display also needed to be shipped with the product in place so that the store did not have to marry the product up to the display. The Final Product: We designed a display
The Objective: The client created a new unique set of spray scents for cars, home, office, etc. They created scents such as bubble gum, and cherry cola. The client hired Diamond Display Group to graphically design a logo lock up for their new line of “Novelty Scents” and to graphically and structurally design a display to merchandise the new product